M° Michelangelo Oscari ミケランジェロ・オスカリ
He began practising Aikido from an early age, son of art, he followed his father’s teachings and collaborated in teaching at the Aikido Club Modena.
In 2007 he travelled to Japan with his father and visited the Aikikai in Tokyo. He reaches Iwama and Mount Atago on a journey to discover the history and origins of Aikido.
In 2013 he stayed in Japan and visited the Dojo of M° Hiroki Nemoto, a direct pupil of Morihiro Saito Sensei.
He collaborates as an Aikido expert in the realisation of a martial arts choreography alongside director Luigi Lo Cascio for a theatre show.
Since 2016 he has been committed to travelling to Japan annually to intensify his Aikido practice and to maintain international contacts with the International Aikikai in Tokyo.
In March 2022 he receives the 5 Dan of Aikido from the USacli National.
In December 2022 he receives the 4 Dan from the Tokyo International Aikikai
In January 2023 he is appointed USacli National Technical Director of the Aikido sector.