The Mokuroku are grades reserved for the study of Bukiwaza of traditional Iwama Aikido issued and written directly by Master Morihiro Saito.
Within the Mokuroku the entire Bukiwaza Aiki-ken Aiki-jo and Ken tai-jo technical programme is written directly by Master Morihiro Saito.
AWithin the fifth Mokuroku the grade of Kaiden is issued, a licence for total transmission of the technical programme.
Menkyo Kaiden is the highest existing level in the Koryu degree system (traditional degree awarding system).
The degree of Menkyo Kaiden represents the meaning of successor to the school.
Today only very few Masters of Takemusu Aikido in the world can boast of achieving V°Mokuroku.
Giorgio Oscari in 1992 at the end of numerous stays in the Ibaraki Dojo in Iwama under the direct guidance of Morihiro Saito Sensei achieved the degree of fifth Mokuroku.